Its users mostly underuse WhatsApp as a popular messaging platform. Some hidden features that most users are unaware of can make your experience more pleasant. We’ve made this feature collection homework for you and happy to present ten things you can use in Whatsapp.
1. Text formatting
Italicize, bold, or strikethrough words or sentences by adding special characters before and after them. Use an underscore to italicize (_italicize_), asterisk to bold (*bold*), and tilde to strikethrough (~strikethrough~) words or sentences.
2. Message Starring
This feature allows you to access essential links, messages, or contact more easily. Long-pressing the message brings up options, then click on the star icon. Access starred messages using the star tab on iOS, or go to the menu button on Android, then click on starred messages.
3. Who You Chat Most
It’s easier to find out who you chat most. On an iPhone, go to settings, data storage, and then storage use. It displays your contact in order of who uses more space on your device. You’ll find out more statistics, tapping each contact. On Android, go to settings, chat history then, email chat to view.
4. Message View Details
Find out the time your message was delivered and read by swiping left on your iPhone, long-press the message, and click on ‘info’ option to view this on Android.
5. Mute Conversation
This feature silences a chatty group or friend when you need to engage in something that requires concentration and focus. Long-press on the chat and click on the crossed-out speaker icon at the top on Android, open the conversation, tap on group name or contact, then Mute on iOS. Determine for how long you want to keep it muted, hours, a week, or year.
6. Hide Your Last Seen Status
Use this feature to limit who can see yours last seen, everyone, contacts, or nobody. Go to settings, account, privacy, and select last seen option to do this.
7. Disable Read Receipts
Use this feature to determine if you want readers to know if you read a message. Go to settings, accounts, privacy and uncheck “read receipts.” However, you won’t be able to get receipts from your contact as well, and the feature remains enabled on group chats.
8. Disable Default Saving of Photos and Videos
Disable auto-save feature to prevent the automatic saving of video and photos sent to you. Though missing on Android, iPhone Users can go to settings, chat, then turn off “save incoming media.”
9. Custom Notifications
You can customize the notification alerts for messages from different contacts. This way, you can know the sender of a message from its sound. On Andriod, tap the Menu Icon on chat, then View contact, and select custom notification. For iOS, click on the contact name from view mode and choose custom notification.
10. Export Conversation
You can export conversation to save them. From view mode, tap on the menu button, then email chat on Android. On iOS, view contact from chat thread, scroll to the bottom of the contact info page, then export chat. It can be done with or without media attachments.
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